
We’ve all heard of love at first sight but have you experienced “love at first sentence?"

You know the type. The kind of opening line that begs to be re-read the instant you finish it because it’s just that dang good. Allegra Hyde wrote that the best first lines deliver an “elegantly balanced dose of clarity and curiosity”. Simply put, “seductive first sentences ground a reader in a situation, while also prompting a question in the reader’s mind that propels them forward in the text”. 

This contest is your chance to wow us. You’ve got one line to make us swoon, break our heart, or blow our mind. We dare you - with one sentence make people fall in love with your writing.


  • The cost to enter the contest is $5
  • You may enter as many entries as you’d like
  • All entries must be submitted by January 1st
  • The winner will be announced and honored with a trophy at the StoryCon award ceremony

Rules and Guidelines

*If you do not follow these guidelines, your work will automatically be disqualified.

NOTICE: Each entry is limited to ONE sentence. Entries longer than one sentence will disqualify you from the contest.

  • All work should be original and unpublished and must not be something you submitted for our First Line Contest in years past. Posting your work to a blog or website does not classify it as being published.
  • Entrants must be no younger than thirteen and no older than nineteen
  • No partner or team entries will be allowed.
  • Entries must be double-spaced with one inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial Font. 
  • Entries must be in English.
  • Changes can’t be made to the entry after you have submitted it. Please proofread and double-check your work before submission.
  • Do not include your name or any other identifying information in or on any of the pages you submit.
  • As this is a contest for teens, no graphic violence, language, or sex scenes are allowed. This is a PG or PG-13 contest.
  • Any entries received after the contest deadline will not be considered.
  • Family of any member of the Operation Literacy team is not eligible to participate.​

For questions or clarifications, email contests@operationliteracy.org.

Once Upon a Time Banner 

Since the beginning of time, the ordinary and the extraordinary have come together in the simple 

phrase: “Once Upon a Time…”

As readers, we’re spellbound by tales of courage, resilience, and the enduring power of hope.

As writers, we create tales of magic, mystery, and mayhem, inviting readers of all ages to lose themselves in the hidden secrets of enchanted forests, the mysteries of ancient civilizations, and in witnessing the triumph of the human spirit over adversity.

Whether you’re a lover of fantasy, science fiction, horror, or heartwarming adventures, join us as we embark on a journey through the realms of imagination, where anything is possible and every story is a new beginning.

After all, in the world of “Once Upon a Time,” the magic never ends.

The Details (please read carefully):

Please note that you’re submitting your story for an actual publication process. Your story will be chosen based on its content and presentation, so make sure to proofread and send your best work. Those chosen will be expected to work with an editor to polish their story. It should be a fun, rewarding process that will prepare you for life as an author, so come with an open mind and excitement for making your story the best it can be.

  • This is a TEEN anthology. Only writers between the ages of 13-19 will be considered.
  • There is NO entry fee.
  • Maximum word count is 6,000.
  • Stories should be new and NOT published elsewhere.
  • Submissions will be accepted from June 1st – December 1st.
  • All entrants will be notified of their story’s status by December 15th. 
  • The anthology will be available for purchase at StoryCon 2025 in Salt Lake City, UT and on Amazon after the conference.
  • If your story is chosen, you will receive a contract and additional details about edits, payment, and final due dates.

Authors chosen for the anthology (not finalists*) will receive $20, a custom TABC name badge to wear at the conference, and one print copy of the anthology to be picked up at the pre-release party or at StoryCon, both located in Utah. (Authors unable to attend the conference or launch will have their book and payment mailed to them.)

*For stories that are great but don’t quite make it into the anthology, we’ll offer the opportunity for finalists to have their stories posted on our website for readers to find and leave comments.

Ready to enter?

  • fill out the form at the link below.
  • attach your story in Word or PDF–title of story and name of author should be included in the document (Winning authors will be required to submit the final story in Word for editing.)
  • send us your best work–you can’t edit the story or your information once it’s been entered.
  • Best of luck!

Welcome to the First Paragraph Writing Contest for tweens, ages 8–12 years old!

To enter, write 3–5 sentences that make up the first paragraph of a story (whether the entire story is complete or not). It cannot exceed 175 words and must be your own creative work.

Here are some questions to consider that will make your paragraph the best it can be. These are some of the things your entry will be judged on.

  • Is your opening line interesting and unique?
  • Does it make the reader want to keep reading?
  • Have you given the reader an idea of who your main character is? Or have you given the reader an idea of the setting where your main character exists?
  • Did you give the reader an idea of a problem (stakes) that exists in your story? 

The cost to enter the First Paragraph Contest is $5 per entry.

Rules and Guidelines

  • All entries must be original and unpublished and never submitted to our contest before.
  • Entry cannot be more than 175 words.
  • Entries must be in English. 
  • Changes can’t be made to the entry after it has been submitted. Please proofread and double-check your entries before submitting.
  • Family of any member of the Operation Literacy team is not eligible to participate.
  • For questions, email contact@operationliteracy.org


Welcome to the First Chapter Contest. We’re excited you’re here! Over the years we’ve received amazing first chapters from all over the country. This year, we’re thinking you have something special for us. In return, we have something special for you.

There are two divisions in this competition: ages 13-15 and ages 16-19. All participants will receive feedback from our judges. First, second, and third place winners will be chosen in both divisions. Our winners will be announced at the StoryCon award ceremony and receive a commemorative award along with a full critique of their chapter.

Entries will be judged on the following: character development, vividness of setting, quality of pacing, overall clarity, and the uniqueness of voice. So write it down, polish it up, and send us your best. We can’t wait to read your chapter! 

  • The cost to enter the First Chapter Contest is $10 for early entry and $15 for late entry.
  • Early entry submissions are due January 1st. Late entry submissions will be accepted until midnight on February 1st. No exceptions. 
  • Many English teachers offer extra credit to students for participating in the contest. Check with your English teacher to see if this is a possibility for you.

Rules and Guidelines

*If you do not follow these guidelines, your work will automatically be disqualified.

  • Only one entry is allowed per person.
  • All work should be original and unpublished and must not be something you submitted for our First Chapter Contest in years past. Posting your work to a blog or website does not classify it as being published.
  • Entrants must be no younger than thirteen and no older than nineteen, and must enter the category of their age.
  • No partner or team entries will be allowed.
  • Entries must be double-spaced with one inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial Font. 
  • Entry is limited to FIVE pages. It is okay if your first chapter is less than FIVE pages. However, sending any more than the first five pages of your first chapter will disqualify you from the contest.
  • Pages must be numbered.
  • Entries must be in English.
  • Changes can’t be made to the entry after you have submitted it. Please proofread and double-check your work before submission.
  • Do not include your name or any other identifying information in or on any of the pages you submit.
  • As this is a contest for teens, no graphic violence, language, or sex scenes are allowed. Think of it like PG-13 movies. This is a PG or PG-13 contest.
  • Any entries received after the contest deadline will not be considered.
  • Family of any member of the Operation Literacy team is not eligible to participate.​
  • For questions or clarifications, email contests@operationliteracy.org.


Welcome to the First Chapter Contest. We’re excited you’re here! Over the years we’ve received amazing first chapters from all over the country. This year, we’re thinking you have something special for us. In return, we have something special for you.

There are two divisions in this competition: ages 13-15 and ages 16-19. All participants will receive feedback from our judges. First, second, and third place winners will be chosen in both divisions. Our winners will be announced at the StoryCon award ceremony and receive a commemorative award along with a full critique of their chapter.

Entries will be judged on the following: character development, vividness of setting, quality of pacing, overall clarity, and the uniqueness of voice. So write it down, polish it up, and send us your best. We can’t wait to read your chapter! 

  • The cost to enter the First Chapter Contest is $10 for early entry and $15 for late entry.
  • Early entry submissions are due January 1st. Late entry submissions will be accepted until midnight on February 1st. No exceptions. 
  • Many English teachers offer extra credit to students for participating in the contest. Check with your English teacher to see if this is a possibility for you.

Rules and Guidelines

*If you do not follow these guidelines, your work will automatically be disqualified.

  • Only one entry is allowed per person.
  • All work should be original and unpublished and must not be something you submitted for our First Chapter Contest in years past. Posting your work to a blog or website does not classify it as being published.
  • Entrants must be no younger than thirteen and no older than nineteen, and must enter the category of their age.
  • No partner or team entries will be allowed.
  • Entries must be double-spaced with one inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial Font. 
  • Entry is limited to FIVE pages. It is okay if your first chapter is less than FIVE pages. However, sending any more than the first five pages of your first chapter will disqualify you from the contest.
  • Pages must be numbered.
  • Entries must be in English.
  • Changes can’t be made to the entry after you have submitted it. Please proofread and double-check your work before submission.
  • Do not include your name or any other identifying information in or on any of the pages you submit.
  • As this is a contest for teens, no graphic violence, language, or sex scenes are allowed. Think of it like PG-13 movies. This is a PG or PG-13 contest.
  • Any entries received after the contest deadline will not be considered.
  • Family of any member of the Operation Literacy team is not eligible to participate.​
  • For questions or clarifications, email contests@operationliteracy.org.


Teen Author Boot Camp Poetry Collection
 Submissions for the 2025 collection are open from October 15 - December 31.


  • One entry per poet
  • Submissions may be up to three poems but no more than five pages
  • Please upload only .doc or .docx files
  • $6 per entry 
  • Each entry not chosen for publication will receive personalized feedback from collection editors
  • Pieces chosen for publication will be printed in the final collection
  • Each published poet will receive a print copy of the collection and recognition at BookCon
  • One grand prize winner will receive a cash prize, plus a call-out at  BookCon 2025
  • Contact TABCPoetry@gmail.com with questions. NOTICE: replies could take up to two weeks.


Operation Literacy