Once Upon A Time 

Teen Author Boot Camp is looking for aspiring young photographers and artists to provide artwork for the 2024 Poetry Collection cover!

  • No Entry Fee
  • Image must be portrait oriented, 8.5 x 11 inches, and at least 150 dpi resolution
  • Photographs are preferred although digital art and digitally enhanced photos are welcome
  • Artist must be between the ages of 13 and 19 as of March 2024
  • Winning photograph will be featured on the cover of the Teen Author Boot Camp Poetry Collection
  • The winner will receive a free copy of the collection and a cash prize
  • Limit 3 entries per artist
  • No AI art 

  Contact TABCPoetry@gmail.com for questions. Good Luck!

Teen Author Boot Camp Poetry Collection
Submissions for the 2024 collection are open from October 15 - December 31.


  • One entry per poet
  • Submissions may be up to three poems but no more than five pages
  • Please upload only .doc or .docx files
  • $5 per entry 
  • Each entry not chosen for publication will receive personalized feedback from collection editors
  • Pieces chosen for publication will be printed in the final collection
  • Each published poet will receive a print copy of the collection and recognition at BookCon
  • One grand prize winner will receive a cash prize, plus a call-out at  BookCon 2025
  • Contact TABCPoetry@gmail.com with questions. NOTICE: replies could take up to two weeks.


Teen Author Boot Camp